Monday 15 October 2012

How The World Was Created


          This is one of the stories creation of the world, which the folks of Panay, especially those living near the mountain, do not tire relating, tells us that in the beginning there was no heaven or earth- only a bottomless deep and a world mist. Everything was shapeless and formless-  the earth, the sky, the sea, and air were almost mixed up. This is a legend of how the two gods' story,-  Tungkung Langit and Alunsina made the world.

          Tungkung Langit has all the good characteristics a man could have, like industrious, loving, kind and more. While Alunsina was the complete opposite.
One day, Tungkung Langit told his wife that he would be gone for sometime to stop the chaotic disturbances in the flow of time. However, Alunsina sent the sea breeze to spy on him. This made the latter very angry upon knowing about it.
          After his return, he immediately called this act saying that it was ungodly of her to be jealous, there being no creature living in the world except for the two of them. However, this was resented by Alunsina and then quarrel followed. Tungkung Langit lost his temper and divested his wife of powers and drove her away. No one knew where Alunsina went.
          Several days had passed when Alunsina left. Tungkung Langit felt very lonely and realized what he had done. For months, Tungkung Langit lived in utter desolation. He wanted Alunsina back.

          One day, while he was sailing across the regions of the clouds, a thought came to him. He would make a big basin of water below the sky so that he can see the image of his wife and this is how the sea was created. After a long time, the somber sight of the lonely sea irritated Tungkung Langit. So he came down to the Middleworld and created the land; then he planted this with grasses, trees, and flowers. He took his wife's treasured jewels and scattered them in the sky, hoping that when Alunsina would see them she might be induced to return home. The goddess' necklace served as the stars, her comb became the moon, and her crown the sun. However, Alunsina still haven't come back.

          And up to this time, the folks in Panay say that Tungkung Langit is alone in his palace in the skies. Sometimes, he would cry out of his pent-up emotions and his tears would fall down upon the earth as the cause of rain. Incidentally, when it thunders hard, the old folks also say that it is Tungkung Langit sobbing, calling for his beloved Alunsina to come back entreating her so hard that his voice thunders across the fields and country side.

          For me, this story is just one of the legends on how the world was created. So, I don't believe that this story is real because there is a proof in the bible that the world was created by the hands of the only true and almighty God.

  1. Simple Sentence - light shade of gray
  2. Compound Sentence - dark shade of gray
  3. Complex Sentence - underline